Tuesday, August 12, 2008

loose connections tuesday

1 comment:

Steven LaRose said...

I know that image. .. what is it?
Edgar Allen Poe? Goya? Rodin? Roden? shit. . .

Night fears. Knowledge from dreams. Your reality made by your beliefs.

Marc and I have small children. Small enough that the tooth-fairy and an assortment of faith based entities exist. I don't find it odd at all that I am reading Neil Gaiman's "American Gods" at the moment. Without spoiling the story, it is rooted in the notion that gods immigrated to America with the belief systems of the people. And, many of those gods are being neglected or replaced by modern beliefs.

I know a person who believes he was abducted by aliens. I believe that this person believes he was abducted.

I know another person who was involuntarily committed to a facility because what he believed was potentially dangerous to his well being. He eventually learned to fake "sanity" so that he could return to society.

Ever read any Oliver Sacks? He "is perhaps best known for his collections of case histories from the far borderlands of neurological experience, "The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat" and "An Anthropologist on Mars".

Ever read "Virus of the Mind?" it is the first popular book devoted to the science of memetics, a controversial new field that transcends psychology, biology, anthropology, and cognitive science. Memetics is the science of memes, the invisible but very real DNA of human society

Damn. I thought if I didn't think about it, I would remember who made this image. It is executed in a distinctive style and I can almost see the rest of the picture. . .alas.

Do we really create our reality? Simply by believing?